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Client Testimonials

Open Path may have truly saved me in a very desperate time of needed guidance. I needed perspective and a safe place to figure out how to direct the next part of my journey. Open Path allowed me to easily find someone who matched my needs and I feel very grateful for Open Path and my counselor, that I otherwise could not afford. It’s still tough but it’s worth every bit of every cent spent taking care of myself. Thank you to all of you who provide this service on a sliding scale, truly grateful!

Jasmine, Open Path Client

My experience has been wonderful! It meant the difference between having no support at all during an extremely trying time in my life, and having a wonderful therapist who helped me understand what was going on with my family and make liberating choices for myself. In this time of escalating rents and increasing difficulties just with making ends meet, the service that Open Path provides in priceless. I am deeply grateful.

Richard, Open Path Client

I found my current therapist through Open Path. I believe that your organization is providing a great service. I’m a 2* year old still on my parents’ health insurance, which has a very high ($4700) deductible. I would not be able to afford therapy on my own, being that normal therapy sessions run $150-$200, especially since I was previously out of work for months. Dealing with mental health issues is already stressful enough, and can feel insurmountable if you cannot afford access to services intended to help. Thank you to you and your team for providing this great service for those who are uninsured or underinsured.

Lee, Open Path Client

I am so very grateful for this service. Without it, I would not be able to afford the very much needed therapy for my daughters. Simply put, Open Path has saved my life and the lives of my family. I tell everyone about it who will listen.

Tom, Open Path Client

I have been seeing a therapist through Open Collective for several months now. If it weren’t for your program I would not be able to see her. Your webpage made it easy and pain-free even for someone with social anxiety. Your program helped me get the mental healthcare I needed. Without it I don’t even want to think about where I’d be.

Cindy, Open Path Client

I can’t tell you how much I admire this collective.  When I was in need of a therapist and couldn’t afford the local rates, I happened upon your website and was so impressed.  The way you can review therapist’s backgrounds by distance and bios was so helpful.

I have found a therapist I really connect with and, will be a long-term support in my life.

Thank you,

You have changed my ability to be responsible for my own care.

What a gift.

Leslie, Open Path Client

Your service is straightforward, simple and so helpful. This year, as a grad student living on student loans, I lost my ACA insurance and picked up a whole lotta stress. There are barely any options for mental health care for the uninsured. I anticipated an 8-week waitlist, restricted appointments…and got the opposite. A competent practitioner, immediately available for an unlimited time at a price I can afford. Wow. I’ve recommended this service all over the place.

Thank you for a 4.0 semester and incalculable sense of dignity in this world.

Madison, Open Path Client

Open Path has been a literal lifesaver for me. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression after a string of major panic attacks early last year. My health insurance isn’t great, and I couldn’t afford regular-priced therapy. I searched Google for “affordable therapy options” and discovered Open Path. I found a therapist in my town, and have been seeing her ever since 201*, even after my panic attacks and other symptoms calmed down. My therapist has been AMAZING and I never would have found her if it weren’t for Open Path. What you guys are doing is really amazing. Thanks for saving my life.

Shawna, Open Path Client

Last year was my son’s **** year of high school and his **** year of public education. Prior to entering grade ****, he was homeschooled.  It was his decision and desire to go to public school. Within months, I knew he was in trouble. His social skills were not as advanced as his peers, and he was having extreme difficulty adjusting to having to do homework and to time manage. His choice of friends were questionable, and he began to hang around with people that fed off of each other’s negativity. I watched my son go from an honor student, to failing most of his classes. He became very angry, and started having uncontrolled outbursts resulting in damage to his room, the house, and himself. He began cutting, and developed insomnia.

Needless to say, he also became very depressed. Once after picking him up from school, he told me he failed another test and said, “If you take me home, I’m going to break everything in the house, then I’m going to kill myself.” I drove him to the nearest hospital for evaluation. By then he was back to his charming self, and the hospital released him and suggested he speak to a therapist. As a mom, I knew they were not seeing what I was, and that terrified me. To say I was worried was an understatement. As a single mother, I was limited in what I could provide for him. I did get him evaluated for medication, request a behavioral team to come in from the county, and I set him up with a therapist. This had limited success. The therapist was a **** therapist, who would change his diagnosis weekly, change or cancel appointments frequently, leaving my son with weeks of gaps in his therapy, and did not seem interested in being in his job any longer. I didn’t feel like we were getting anywhere with therapy, but I could not afford a regular therapist.

In desperation, I looked for classes on self esteem that maybe he could take, and saw that a therapist named **** did have some of these classes. I called and spoke to her. We spoke for some time about what was going on, and as it turned out, this was an area of her specialty. She mentioned that she did not have any classes starting soon and suggested she see my son. With a sinking heart, I told her I was only able to have him see a medical therapist and could not afford anything else. That’s when she told me about Open Path. She was a therapist on the site.

My son is a **** this year, and most importantly I get to hug him each day because he is still here. He’s been seeing **** weekly and has opened up to her. She coordinates with his school therapist, so everyone is on the same page. He now has a study skills class that helps him stay organized and lowers his stress. He’s changed his friends, and has a more positive outlook on life. Over the Christmas holiday, on the advice of his doctor, he began tapering down his antidepressants and is now off them.

When I say Open Path saved my son’s life, I am not being melodramatic. At the end of his **** year, a student at his school was found in the bathroom, having committed suicide after finals. My heart goes out to the parents, and I know without a doubt that if I hadn’t found the help that I did, that could have easily been my son.

Robert, Parent of Open Path Client