Welcome. I am deeply moved that you have arrived here. You did not come here by mistake. You may be seeking a solution to a problem, worry, or hurt. Reaching out for help is a powerful and liberating step. You’ve tried to fix the problem on your own. That didn’t work for long. Trying harder hasn’t worked. You’re realizing that the problem, and your attempts to solve the problem, have become unsustainable. Depression, anxiety, anger, panic attacks, obsessive thoughts, relationship conflicts, and addictive behaviors don’t just go away.
You may be overwhelmed, confused, or hurting, but your visit here says you are not broken. There is a spirit in you that calls out for hope and encouragement. You may be facing the world seemingly all by yourself. But you are here. I’m glad you made it to my website.
The essence of my therapeutic work is similar to the Serenity Prayer. The challenge of our life is accepting the things we cannot change, changing the things we can, and having the wisdom to know the difference. I help you navigate this challenge and gain the outcomes that you wisely choose.
I treat people in situations. My focus in therapy is to free you from the unsuccessful patterns of coping with problems AND to discover that joy and wonder already exist in you. I help you separate from the emotional and intellectual attachment to the problem. The problem is not you or another person; the problem is the interpretation of the events, feelings, and behaviors we observe in our selves and others. Therapy often succeeds at helping people see alternative ways of interacting with others. I will help you create more options in the way you experience life.
My clients often notice positive differences after the first counseling session. Your commitment and willingness to change is the key. If you define yourself by what you think you can’t do, if you seek to have your misery and helplessness validated, if you don’t believe that the mind is powerful and can both create and alleviate physical and mental pain, if you don’t like the idea that you could be wrong about your assumptions, then I may not be the therapist for you.