Pregnancy and childbirth are significant experiences that can have the potential to bring great stress and great happiness.  Worry about being a parent or medical concerns surrounding pregnancy can cause serious stress in a couple’s life.  Relationships may suffer during this time when a woman must live not only for herself but also for her baby.

Unplanned Pregnancy

An unplanned pregnancy may not come at an opportune time; it may seem to come at the worst possible time in a relationship or when single.  It’s common to experience fear when a pregnancy test comes back positive and not be sure how to progress.  Therapy can help a couple make major decisions about how to handle the pregnancy and what to do to keep their relationship healthy.

Postpartum Depression

Postpartum depression is a potential risk that occurs after a woman has given birth.  Hormonal changes and lifestyle changes can cause a mother to experience unexpected bouts of depression immediately following childbirth.  This condition interferes with a mother’s ability to bond with the baby and may ultimately affect the child’s long term development.  Treatment is very important to get the mother on track so the parents can regain control and ensure positive future outcomes for the child.


Couples Therapy encourages open communication about all relationship matters, including pregnancy and childbirth.  A therapist will help a couple increase their levels of communication so that everyone remains on the same page and no one feels alone in the ordeal.

We Can Help

Open Path’s therapists offer beneficial services that encourage insight, self-reflection, and healthy coping mechanisms. Our therapists provide supportive, open communication, establishing secure foundations to help clients heal and grow.

Interested in seeing one of our therapists for an affordable rate? Start your search here.