Abandonment is the feeling of an absence of a connection in a person’s life. This absence can be of something that once existed or of a persistent need that has never been met. It’s possible to experience a physical loss or a more subtle psychological abandonment, in which a person feels like they aren’t getting what they need in a... Read More →
Abortion Issues
The decision to terminate a pregnancy is never an easy one. Once the decision to abort is made, there are psychological concerns that go hand in hand with the physical procedure. In some cases, abortion can be traumatic, but social stigma causes people to not speak out about their experience and harbor their troubling feelings. Common Post-Abortion Feelings Guilt Anger... Read More →
Abuse and Survivors of Abuse
Abuse is when a person mistreats another either physically or psychologically. It’s important to understand that a person can abuse another without ever laying a finger on them. It is also possible for people to not realize they are being abused or be in denial. Types Physical: Inappropriate touching or physical violence toward another person in any setting is abuse.... Read More →
Academic Underachievement
Students performing at a lower level academically despite intellectual capability may be struggling with academic underachievement. While it is common for students to allow work to take lower priority at times, prolonged poor performance could be symptomatic of academic underachievement. Symptoms of Academic Underachievement • incomplete work • forgetfulness, especially regarding assignments • apathy • disorganization • poor grades Causes... Read More →
Addictions are defined by a persistent condition that causes a person to engage in activities that may produce short-term pleasurable feelings/thoughts/sensations, but that over the long term interfere with life in a way that has negative and sometimes very harmful consequences. While some addictions revolve around substance abuse (such as alcohol, nicotine, or other mind-altering substances/drugs), others are concerned with... Read More →
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a controversial diagnosis that has gained considerable attention in recent years. Symptoms include difficulty managing behavior, hyperactivity, and difficulty paying attention and/or staying focused. Inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity are the key symptomatic expressions of ADHD. As more and more children have been diagnosed with ADHD, the controversy around the diagnoses and treatments has intensified. The... Read More →
Adjusting to Change and Life Transitions
Throughout a person’s lifetime they are likely to experience significant changes that cause distress and force adjustment. When a person has found comfort in a routine any little thing can come along and upset their balance and redirect their life, causing serious distress. If a person feels stressed by a major life transition it does not necessarily mean they will... Read More →
Adoption and Foster Care Issues
Adoption can be a positive change in the lives of children, but it also can cause potential stress. Children who are raised by foster parents can have negative feelings related to abandonment and rejection. Foster parents also may feel overwhelmed by the stressors that come from adopting children. Complications Differing religions from one family to the next Unanticipated health concerns... Read More →
Aggression and Violence
Aggression is defined as any behavior that is meant to cause harm to another person or that person’s belongings. Violence is a physical action whose purpose is to cause injury or harm to another person. Both can manifest in various ways when they are a pervading part of a person’s personality. When a person can’t control their aggression and violent... Read More →
Aging and Geriatric Issues
Despite the fact that everyone knows they will get older, many stressors come with aging. The aging individual is affected as well as their family and friends. As people approach the later portion of their lives they encounter new and sometimes unanticipated obstacles. Common Issues Sexuality: changes in the body can cause sexual needs to change Cognitive decline: memory and... Read More →
Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder that causes people to feel heightened levels of anxiety in certain environments, so sufferers avoid exposure to any of the locations that they perceive as threats. Typically, agoraphobia sufferers fear places that are perceived as open or crowded, meaning that public places are almost always avoided. Feared Locations Airports Shopping Malls Markets Bridges Theaters Public... Read More →
Alcohol Abuse
Excessive consumption of alcohol, whether prolonged or resulting in negative consequence such as missing work or violence, is often defined as substance abuse. Alcohol abuse maintains different definitions from person to person. It is difficult to draw a line between moderate drinking and heavy drinking, social drinking, and an addiction to drinking. Symptoms of Alcohol Abuse • drinking seems to... Read More →
Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia. While it is not caused by aging, most struggling with Alzheimer’s are over the age of 60. Symptoms can be detected for early onset. Some occasional appearance of symptoms can appear due to age-related behavioral change, although the symptoms would be mild and not life-altering. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s • short-term memory loss... Read More →
Anger Management
Anger is a perfectly natural and common emotion. It can be experienced via mild irritation or furious rage. It can be caused by external stressors or internal dialogue. What is most important is not the occurrence of anger, but its management. Symptoms of Anger Management Deficiency • irritability • frequent arguing • violence • turning to alcohol or drugs to... Read More →
Antisocial Personality
Those suffering antisocial personality may find it difficult to feel empathy, coming off instead as cynical or apathetic. Inflated values of self-worth accompany a tendency to disregard boundaries of others. Lying, violence, and impulsiveness disrupt daily interaction. Manipulative behavior makes it difficult for those with antisocial personality to maintain healthy relationships. Symptoms of Antisocial Personality • inflated feelings of self-worth... Read More →
While concern and worry commonly affect people, anxiety disorders presents itself as much more intrusive to daily life. Unwavering apprehension and dread take hold with or without correlating stressors. Common Symptoms of Anxiety • excessive muscle tension • irregular heartbeat • panic attacks • irregular sleep patterns • trouble breathing Causes Anxiety is brought on primarily by environmental factors, such... Read More →
Asperger’s Syndrome
Asperger’s Syndrome affects people on what is classified as the autistic spectrum. Symptoms appear milder than those of autism. Social interaction comes across difficult or one sided, and those dealing with Asperger’s generally suffer from poor coordination and an inability to empathize with others. Symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome • difficulty recognizing social cues • awkward body language • social isolation... Read More →
Attachment Issues
Attachment refers to a person’s ability to form ties to other people that lead to lasting and meaningful relationships. Forming bonds with others allows a person to feel trust and empathy, which affects their own self-concept and self-esteem. Attachment issues most commonly begin to show before five years of age. Symptoms Both emotional and behavioral problems occur as a result... Read More →
Autism affects a good deal of people. The spectrum of autism ranges in diversified degrees from highly capable of functioning to impaired daily activity. Fixations on routine and impeded social skills often hinder those struggling with autism. Symptoms of Autism • Difficulty recognizing social cues • Impulsivity • Awkward body language • Social isolation • Distress over slight changes •... Read More →
Autism Spectrum
Autism Spectrum Disorder encompasses any diagnosis involving Autism, Asperger’s, and Atypical Autism. There are varying levels of functioning associated with Autism based on a child’s intelligence, language ability, speech performance, and other capabilities. Signs of Autism are most likely to appear in the first three years of life. The common theme among those with Autism is their lack of awareness... Read More →
Batterer Intervention
Batterer intervention programs are designed to teach those convicted of domestic violence about abuse, typically after being court ordered to complete such a program. The focus is to hold the batterer accountable and rehabilitate them so they do not continue to be violent in domestic situations. Causes Domestic Violence can be caused by social norms and cultural practices that lead... Read More →
Behavioral Issues
Children or adults dealing with short tempers or frequent derisive feelings for authoritative figures often are categorized as having behavioral issues. Argumentative attitudes and excessive defiance behaviors that appear to be symptoms of ADHD can interrupt daily social life and academic or work related achievement. Symptoms of Behavioral Issues • impulsivity • aggression • disregard to others’ boundaries • disregard... Read More →
Bipolar, also known as manic depression, affects mood and energy levels. Symptoms of bipolar include manic states of ecstatic nature, and depressive states of severe hopelessness. Extreme irritability, restlessness, and irregular sleep patterns are all signs of bipolar. While periods of productivity and joyousness can occur, extreme swings in mood are prevalent, possibly leading to relationship issues, substance abuse, or... Read More →
Blended Family Issues
A Blended Family refers to the family unit that is created when two separate families come together to form one family. This typically occurs when two people with their own children get married and move in together, blending their separate children into a single family unit. Issues Differing or conflicting parenting styles: One parent may be very responsive to a... Read More →
Body Image
Body image, like self-image, refers to a person’s perception of their own body and how this perception makes them feel. Body image is not objective. We may look at another person and think there is only one way to see their body, but people who suffer from body image disorders have a distorted perception of their appearance. Symptoms Anxiety and... Read More →
Breakups represent times of turmoil that can often be unavoidable. People can tend to focus on the negative aspects of the end of a relationship and completely ignore the positive side of the situation. A breakup likely occurred after some amount of fighting or arguing in a relationship when one person finally reached a breaking point. The reality is that... Read More →
Bullying is an umbrella term for any behavior that is intended to harm another person. This harm can be done physically or psychologically. Victims of bullying are usually chosen as easy targets that cannot or will not defend themselves. Bullies are not exclusively male, and they are not exclusively children. In recent years there has been an increase in cyber... Read More →
Being diagnosed with cancer is not only a serious medical concern, cancer patients are subject to immense psychological stress as a result of being diagnosed, dealing with debilitating treatment, and possibly learning that their illness is terminal. Anxiety, fear, and depression are common responses to learning that a loved one has a terminal illness. Considerations It is completely natural to... Read More →
Career Counseling
When deciding a new career move, it can change an individual’s entire life path. Stress with possible financial instability or new scheduling could disrupt day-to-day living. A career counselor can help in making tough decisions. A therapist can help clients figure out skills and interests that could dictate career choices while also providing support for the stress that comes with... Read More →
Caregiver Issues and Stress
Caregivers commit a large portion of their own time to providing care for children, elderly, and disabled patients. Providing care on a daily basis can give rise to the caregiver’s own issues. It’s not uncommon to see burnout among caregivers in stressful positions who feel overwhelmed by their duties. Caring for others is oftentimes rewarding, but meeting the demands and... Read More →
Children and Adolescents
Children and adolescents come to therapy for differing reasons. For the most part, therapy for children and adolescents focuses on how the child/adolescent is relating with their family members, teachers, and peers. Benefits of Child or Adolescent Counseling • encourages self-expression • develops confidence • cultivates problem-solving skills • develops social skills • restores appropriate behaviors • promotes open communication... Read More →
Chronic Illness and Disability
Chronic illnesses and disabilities are different from other issues because they are known to be permanent: The patient must learn to accept them as permanent fixtures in their life. Children who have chronic illnesses and disabilities are three times more likely to experience psychiatric disorders and trouble adjusting socially. Examples Cerebral Palsy Multiple Sclerosis Traumatic Brain Injury Loss of limbs... Read More →
Chronic Impulsivity
Chronic Impulsivity is a severe lack of self-regulation. This can take form as an inability to control immediate reactions or troubles concentrating. Impulsiveness makes it difficult to consider consequences of actions, completing tasks quietly, or not interrupting conversation. Lack of self-control can lead to impulse spending or impulse eating. Symptoms of Chronic Impulsivity • frequent boredom • disregard of consequence... Read More →
Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is defined as a bodily discomfort that lasts longer than six months. The severity of chronic pain can be mild, or extremely intense, consistent or sporadic. While some people can live functioning lives with chronic pain, others can be incapacitated for months and years at a time. Common Symptoms of Chronic Pain • irregular sleep patterns • fatigue... Read More →
Chronic Relapse
Chronic relapse often poses as the largest fear of a person recovering from addiction. Acclimating back into a life of abstinence and sobriety is tough and stressful. Staving off relapse is necessary for a successful addiction recovery. How Therapy Prevents Relapse • recognition of outside contributors • recognition of warning signs • accountability • strengthen skills to avoid pressure to... Read More →
A codependent relationship involves one person supporting another person’s unhealthy needs. One person acts as an enabler to another person’s poor health, immaturity, under-achievement, or addiction. The enabler is preoccupied with the needs of the other person and fails to satisfy their own needs. Signs Poor boundaries Overly sensitive to criticism Denial Guilt Low self-esteem Shame and Helplessness One partner... Read More →
Commitment Issues
Fear of commitment, often called commitment phobia, is the avoidance of long-lasting relationships that require any kind of permanent commitment. Commitment phobes do not only avoid relationships; they can also avoid permanent commitments to careers, jobs, school, and locations. Commitment issues affect people of all sexes and genders. Signs Failure to make long-term plans Does not allow their significant other... Read More →
Communication Problems
At the heart of any conflict there is almost guaranteed to be a failure to communicate. Communication problems don’t just affect romantic relationships but can also appear among families and in the workplace. This can be as simple as one person misunderstanding another or as complex as one person in a relationship failing to adequately communicate their own needs to... Read More →
Compulsive Spending and Shopping
Compulsive spending is a problem that occurs when a person has an obsession with buying and shopping that has negative effects on their life. In its extreme form it can be diagnosed as Compulsive Buying Disorder. This disorder has serious financial repercussions but can also affect a person’s social and personal life. Signs Presence of another mood or anxiety disorder... Read More →
Control Issues
Control issues refer to an overarching theme in a person’s character rather than a specific disorder. People with control issues feel the need to maintain power over nearly every aspect of their life, including personal and romantic relationships, family dynamics, and events in the workplace. Signs Being depressed or upset when not in control Attention seeking behavior Throwing a tantrum... Read More →
Coping Mechanisms
Everyone has a way of dealing with stress, anxiety, and other overwhelming emotions. Sometimes, instead of directly addressing the problem, it is easier to find a distraction or an unhealthy outlet for those feelings. This could be allowing anger to turn into aggression, it could even be a development of a substance addiction. Benefits of Healthy Coping Mechanisms • reduced... Read More →
Creative Blocks
The creative block has been the artist’s nemesis for nearly all of human history. People go through periods of inspiration where they are able to produce content, but these peaks must also be balanced with troughs. Creative blocks occur when a person can’t get their creativity flowing and feel uninspired and unable to create. There are no time restraints on... Read More →
Cyclothymia is a mood disorder similar to bipolar disorder but with less severe extremes. Sufferers alternate between episodes of depression and mania, without meeting the full criteria for either manic or major depressive episodes. Cyclothymic mood swings interfere with but do not prevent overall functioning. Mood instability affects all relationships in a person’s life as well as their ability to... Read More →
Depression can be defined as a mood disorder that causes distressing symptoms that affect how you feel, think, and handle daily activities, such as sleeping, eating, or working. Feelings of worthlessness, despair, and sadness can overwhelm daily life for those that are suffering from depression. People prone to anxiety are more likely to be affected by depression, although this is... Read More →
Developmental Disorders
Complications with development in children are generally noticeable by the age of two or three. Troubles communicating, imaginative play, and other crucial skills are prevalent. Sometimes, these people can fall into the autistic spectrum (PDDs, pervasive developmental disorder). Othertimes, it is milder (PDD-NOS, pervasive development disorder-not otherwise specified). Symptoms of Developmental Disorders • difficulty with language skills • difficulty recognizing... Read More →
Dissociation is a mental action in which a person is detached or removed from the immediate reality. Dissociation is a maladaptive coping mechanism that protects a person from being overwhelmed by stress. There are various dissociative disorders, including Dissociative Identity Disorder, Dissociative Amnesia, Dissociative Fugue, and Depersonalization Disorder. Symptoms Identity Alteration: feeling like another person at times Derealization: feeling disconnected... Read More →
Divorce and Divorce Adjustment
The end of any significant relationship can cause excess stress, but divorce tends to exert a particular burden on families. In some cases, divorces can be traumatic. For the two formerly married adults, divorce may come at the end of a long road of turmoil and is expected. Children, however, may be blindsided by divorce. It is natural for a... Read More →
Divorce and Separation
Divorce can be one of the more challenging transitions in a person’s life. Oftentimes it represents an upheaval of all that is known: we spend a great deal of time preparing for a future with our spouse – emotionally, financially, practically. When these ideas are dissolved, it can represent a significant shock to mind and body, even if one has... Read More →
Domestic Abuse
Domestic abuse can take form as emotional, verbal, or physical violence. Domestic abuse is a serious issue. Symptoms of Domestic Abuse • harassment • frequent yelling or screaming • use of fear tactics to gain control • physical abuse • stalking • physical or financial control or constraint • sexual abuse Causes Domestic abuse can arise from an abusive partner’s... Read More →
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence predominately happens in a relationship already rife with emotional abuse and controlling behaviors. It is commonly recognized that there are three stages of domestic violence, oscillating in predictability of tension, violence, and then a period of making up, that then resorts back to tension. Benefits of Therapy for Domestic Violence Survivors • restore self-image • build interpersonal relationship... Read More →
Drug Abuse
Excessive use of drugs, drug abuse, whether prescribed or not, can cause damage to social life and interpersonal relationships. Drugged driving, communication breakdown, and impulsive crime can all be caused by the abuse of drugs. Abuse also easily leads to addiction. Common Symptoms of Drug Abuse • increased tolerance • depression • aggression or violence • preference to use above... Read More →
Dual Diagnosis
Dual diagnosis, sometimes referred to as co-occurring disorders, or COD, is the coexistence of an issue with mental health and substance abuse or addiction. Psychiatric needs are difficult to determine while a person is struggling with addiction, as symptoms of the substance abuse or addiction often appear as underlying psychiatric concerns. Symptoms of Dual Diagnosis Substance abuse symptoms such as:... Read More →
Eating Disorders
When eating becomes excessively unbalanced and unhealthy, a person could be dealing with an eating disorder. People suffer from a variety of unhealthy eating disorders, including anorexia, bulimia, binge eating, and restrictive food intake. Symptoms vary, but commonly, eating is associated with or followed by psychological distress. Common Symptoms of Eating Disorders • Self-starvation • Binge eating • Purging •... Read More →
Emotional Abuse
Any action that is intended to harm another person can be called abuse. Emotional abuse is a tricky subject because it is not always obvious. Psychological abuse takes root in petty insults and humiliation tactics, but it can also be done subtly via intimidation or manipulation. The vicious aspect of emotional abuse is that a victim may not truly understand... Read More →
Emotional Disturbance
Emotional disturbance is a catchall term, frequently used in diagnosing children. The phrase is commonly used to describe anxiety, bipolar, eating disorders, and obsessive-compulsiveness. Emotional disturbance can take shape as inappropriate behavior, excessive immaturity, or learning difficulties. Symptoms of Emotional Disturbance • depression • anxiety • irritability • irregular sleep patterns • aggression • disregard to consequence • disregard to... Read More →
Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence is how well a person can read and monitor their own emotions as well as the emotions of others. There are proven benefits to increasing one’s emotional intelligence, including improved mental health, better job performance, and better relationship maintenance. Emotional intelligence can be closely linked with empathy and allows us to better express ourselves and interpret the behavior... Read More →
Emptiness, ennui, inanition, listlessness, languor: Existence can really start to bear down at times. Emptiness is a feeling of apathy and boredom, depression and despair, the total absence of pleasure. While emptiness can be indicative of major disorders, including ADHD, Schizotypal Personality Disorder, and Schizoid Personality Disorder, it can also be a natural human feeling that comes with the ups... Read More →
People dealing with entitlement often have false or unfounded feelings of being exceptional. Maintaining relationships is difficult as well as keeping steady employment. Symptoms of Entitlement • expectation of favorable treatment • over-inflated sense of self-worth • obsessive-like thoughts of achievement • feelings of superiority • feelings of exception or specialness • disregard to rules or laws Causes An inflated... Read More →
Family of Origin Issues
A family of origin is the family that raises a person. This can be their biological family or can consist of any combination of biological and non-biological members. The family of origin is the family a person develops with and learns from, when crucial personality development takes place. Values, beliefs, religions, and other ideologies are born here. Issues Not all... Read More →
Family Therapy
Family conflict arises in every family. Households are rife with financial turmoil, differing opinions that turn into convictions, and inadequate communication. Mismanagement of emotions easily can turn into aggression, and firmly held beliefs can make it difficult to come to negotiations. Family therapy seeks to correct or strengthen both verbal and nonverbal communication. Benefits of Family Therapy • Develop open communication... Read More →
Fear is an emotion that everyone is familiar with but tries to avoid. Fear arises when danger is perceived and triggers a fight, flight, or freeze response. Fear is included in a group of common basic emotions that all animals experience, along with joy, anxiety, sadness, and anger. Signs Accelerated heart rate Hyperventilation Muscle tension Goose bumps Sweating Rational Fears... Read More →
Fertility Issues
Infertility is the inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy to full term. Infertility is a medical problem that is treated with medical intervention. There are, however, psychological effects associated with infertility that increase the stress a couple feels when trying to conceive. A couple may be unsure about whether to have children or rather when to do so. Faced... Read More →
Forgiveness can come immediately after wrongdoing, it can come sometime later, or it may not come at all. Without forgiveness, anger and resentment are typically the predominating emotions after someone perceives they have been wronged. Forgiveness is often thought of as “letting go.” Why Forgive? Resentment eats away at a person when unresolved Forgiveness strengthens relationships Stress is lowered when... Read More →
Excessive and impulsive gambling can not only hurt wallets, but can also hurt the gambler’s relationships with others. When gambling gives a person feelings of utmost elation or gambling escalates into more frequency, it could be that gambling has become an addiction. Symptoms of Gambling Addiction • gambling in secret • feeling defensive when others speak out against gambling •... Read More →
Guilt is a feeling that occurs after a person believes they have committed some act of wrongdoing. The act may go against their religion, their own personal beliefs or ethics, or the legal code. Guilt comes when a person feels responsible for the act and regrets their decisions. Shame is closely linked. Signs Depression related to past actions Rumination on... Read More →
Health, Illness, and Medical Issues
Health issues like illnesses pose a significant threat to physical wellbeing. Illnesses can be chronic or short-term, but they always have unexpected consequences. Stress is one such consequence that affects a person’s recovery. But stress is also known to weaken the immune system, increasing the likelihood of getting sick. Effects When a person or a loved one is diagnosed with... Read More →
Helplessness and Victimhood
Helplessness is a learned behavior that a person uses to get what they want. Typically they will manipulate others into providing care for them, monetarily, physically, or even psychologically. A relationship is formed in which the helpless person becomes dependent on another. Signs One person manipulates others for their sympathy Overplaying weaknesses or failures for personal gain Becoming angry when... Read More →
HIV and AIDS are diseases in the immune system that are in many cases fatal. The condition leaves a person susceptible to infections and makes the body unable to fight even basic infections. HIV/AIDS is a medical condition that requires medical intervention, but there are significant psychological effects when a person or a loved one is diagnosed with the disease. ... Read More →
Hoarding is a combination of compulsions and behaviors whereby a person gathers, collects, or stores certain items. In evolution, hoarding serves an adaptive purpose as animals hoard scarce food items, but maladaptive hoarding refers to the behavior taking control of a person’s life. Hoarding can cause financial strain, stress on relationships, and sanitation concerns. Signs Difficulty throwing items away Saving... Read More →
Identity Issues
In psychology, identity is “who you are.” It is the self within every person that develops over the course of life. An identity is made up of various characteristics, including religion, beliefs, values, sexuality, and relationships. It takes time to fully develop a coherent identity and it is natural to struggle in the process. Issues Developing an identity can be... Read More →
Impulse Control Disorders
Impulse control disorders are a severe lack of self-regulation. This can take form as an inability to control immediate reactions or difficulties concentrating. Impulsiveness makes it difficult to consider consequences of actions, completing tasks quietly, or not interrupting conversation. Symptoms of Impulse Control Disorders • frequent bouts of uncontrollable anger • irresistible urges to gamble, start fires, steal • hair... Read More →
Inadequacy is the feeling associated with not being enough. Inadequacy affects people socially, romantically, and even in the workplace. People feel inadequate when they are unable to maintain a relationship or complete a project. Deeper feelings of inadequacy can relate to one’s identity and psyche. Signs Negative self-image Negative self-concept Low self-esteem Avoiding promotions at work Avoiding relationships Excessive fear... Read More →
Individuation is a concept from Jungian Psychology that describes the process of becoming an individual. Aspects of the personality are developed from the collection of life experiences and other psychic forces. Jung believed that a person’s consciousness must undergo individuation in order to become distinct from the total collective consciousness of humanity. The Beginning At birth, a person is not... Read More →
Not being able to conceive, infertility, can be emotionally draining on couples. Feelings of loss, grief, or anxiety can cause relationship issues. Benefits of Infertility Counseling • reduced stress • open communication between partners • treatment for accompanying grief or depression • support for keeping a healthy relationship • redirect negative thought patterns into positive ones Treatment A therapist can... Read More →
Infidelity and Affair Recovery
Infidelity, unfaithfulness, or cheating, is when one or both partners in a committed relationship become intimate with persons outside of the relationship. Monogamy represents an important need that many people must have in order to feel committed to a relationship. The threat of infidelity does not need to be real to have negative effects on a relationship; some people can... Read More →
Internet Addiction & Dependency
Internet Addiction has recently taken flight. Many Internet users face an addiction that corrals users into browsing the web for twenty hours at a time. Compulsive use of the Internet threatens to interrupt social life and relationships. In some cases, clients facing an addiction will use caffeine or other supplements in order to stay awake to prolong time spent on... Read More →
Irritability is a sensitivity to stimuli that results in agitation. It is not in itself a diagnosable condition but can be an indicator of other concerns. An irritable person may be on edge, angry, excitable, and prone to explode with outbursts when upset. Signs Becoming excessively upset by seemingly simple things Hunger and anger Anxiety: irritability may be a symptom... Read More →
Isolation is a deliberate or unintended separation from others. It can be physical, in which a person cuts all contact with friends and family, or it may be psychological, in which a person may feel like they are not connected to their family, peers, or social world. Signs Anxiety in social situations Severe depression may cause a person to avoid... Read More →
Jealousy is a normal emotion that refers to anxiety about the perceived loss of something important. Jealousy can also come from longing for something another person has, similar in nature to resentment and envy. Jealousy may harm relationships when suspicions of infidelity are involved. Jealousy has even been observed in primates, showing that the feeling is not distinctly human. Examples... Read More →
Learning Disabilities
Difficulties with learning generally are noticeable by school age. Troubles communicating, imaginative play, and other crucial skills, such as reading, are prevalent. Common Symptoms of Learning Disabilities • poor grades • delayed social skills • troubles communicating • poor recall or memory • low self-esteem • difficulty maintaining organization Causes Learning disabilities sometimes are hereditary. Complications during pregnancy or during... Read More →
The stigma against people of various sexual orientation and/or gender identity provides many different obstacles in daily life. Struggles with interpersonal and family relationships and difficulties in the workplace are common. Therapy can help LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and/or queer) clients cope with discrimination, perceived discrimination, harassment, and the stress that comes along with these things. Benefits of LGBTQ... Read More →
Life Coaching
Whether facing a life change or attempting to enjoy life more, life coaching can help clients discover unexpressed wants or needs. A therapist can help find balance between home life and work. Benefits of Life Coaching • reduce stress • cultivate self-confidence • enhance social skills • create healthy relationships • improve time management • prepare for the future A... Read More →
Life Purpose
Life purpose is the concept that drives a person’s life and informs their goals and decisions. It is the meaning that makes a person feel that they have a reason to live. This philosophical question is addressed deeply in existentialism as well as existential psychotherapy. Why? Life presents many difficult situations and hardships that must be overcome. Those who believe... Read More →
Loss or Grief
When suffering from loss, grief is a natural, yet complicated process. Feelings range widely from overwhelming sadness to anger or aggression. Behaviors of those grieving can shift, sometimes withdrawing from friends and family or engaging more frequently in solo activities, such as cleaning or exercising. Benefits of Loss or Grief Counseling • Provides connection and empathy • Allows open expression... Read More →
Midlife Crisis
A Mid-Life Crisis is a period around the middle point of the life cycle in which one comes to realize the depth of their mortality, resulting in changes in perspective and goals. Knowing that life is half over can cause some people to have a sort of crisis as they compare the place they thought they’d be with the place... Read More →
Mood Disorders
Mood disorders, such as dysthymic disorder and cyclothymic disorder, appear generally as milder forms of depression or bipolar. Dysthymia occurs as an incessant low mood, although less inhibiting as depression. Hopelessness and fatigue are pervasive, along with an increased risk of suicide. Cyclothymia appears more like bipolar, with moods shifting between high and lows, preventing efficiency at work or school.... Read More →
Narcissistic Personality
People with a narcissistic personality tend to lack empathy for others, taking advantage of people to meet their own needs. Feelings of being exceptional and inflated importance are prevalent. Jealousy and problems with self-esteem may contribute to difficulty sustaining healthy relationships. Common Symptoms of Narcissistic Personality • expectation of favorable treatment • self-centered thought patterns • unstable relationships • unfounded... Read More →
Obsessions and Compulsions
Obsessions and compulsions are two symptoms or mental health conditions, including Obesessive-compulsive Disorder and Obsessive-compulsive Personality Disorder. Obsessions are intrusive thoughts that cause anxiety and fear, causing a person to engage in compulsions, or repetitive behaviors that alleviate the anxiety caused by the obsessions. A person will typically believe that the behavior that reduces the anxiety is directly preventing something... Read More →
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Obsessive-compulsive behaviors, commonly referred to as OCD, begin as incessant thoughts that lead to unstoppable, irrational impulses to do things such as repeatedly wash hands, check locks, and other futile activities used to reduce feelings of anxiety. These behaviors often accompany feelings of being out of control, or a need to overanalyze situations. Rituals become necessary to cope with stress,... Read More →
Oppositional Defiance
Occasional defiance is ordinary, such as when children or teenagers are trying to determine the boundaries parents or other authoritative figures have set. When a child or teenager is persistently disruptive, obstinate, or otherwise uncooperative, he or she may be struggling with oppositional defiance. Common Symptoms of Opposition Defiance • aggression • irritability • defiant behavior • short temper •... Read More →
Panic Disorder
Panic disorder is a condition that causes a person to be struck with extreme anxiety with no apparent reason. These panic attacks cannot be predicted. It is possible for the disorder to be a disability if it prevents a person from functioning because they live in fear of the next panic attack. Symptoms Constant worrying about impending panic attacks Behavior... Read More →
Paranoia is a pattern of thought that causes severe, often irrational, fear and anxiety. Paranoia is focused on beliefs about threats that can be both real and imagined. Paranoid persons are distrustful and accusatory of other people, systems, and institutions. Paranoid thinking may be a component of Paranoid personality Disorder, Paranoid Schizophrenia, or a delusional disorder. Symptoms Seeing accidental occurrences... Read More →
Parenting, while rewarding, can prove exceptionally daunting. Stress and anxiety, depression and irritability commonly accompany raising children. When a parent’s own childhood includes inadequate role models or volatile household experiences, raising a child is even more difficult. Therapy can help alleviate stress and feelings of isolation. Guiding clients through alternative parenting techniques can help parents set boundaries and work through... Read More →
Peer Relationships
Peer relationships can determine an individual’s life path. From childhood friends, to romantic teenager partnerships, peers are often pertinent to the formation of self growth and development. Social and emotional growth are connected, and both play a role in mental health. When developing close relationships with peers, individuals are developing socially. When these relationships become negative, and an individual feels... Read More →
Perfectionism is an obsession with having no faults or defects. Perfectionists are excessively critical of themselves and others. Cultural values may make perfectionism seem like a positive personality trait, but it typically has negative effects, resulting in very maladaptive behavioral patterns, ultimately leading to depression and general feelings of inadequacy. Signs Never feeling good enough Obsessively revising work Feeling worthless... Read More →
Personality Disorders
When a person’s behavior or mental characteristics are continuously atypical, disruptive, or otherwise considered unhealthy, it is possible that they are struggling with a personality disorder. These traits generally affect a person’s relationships and home, work, or school. Some of these personality disorders include antisocial behavior, borderline personality, obsessive-compulsive, or narcissistic personality. Common Symptoms of Personality Disorders • odd social... Read More →
Phobias are irrational fears that may or may not have any grounding in reality. Phobias cause anxiety and fear that is intense enough to interfere with functioning. A fear stimulus does not necessarily need to be dangerous in order to elicit a phobia-like anxiety. Anxiety is experienced in the body with physiological changes, as well as psychologically. Symptoms Panic attacks... Read More →
Physical Abuse
Physical abuse is an action by one person that physical harms another, likely causing pain or injury. Physical abuse can occur as child abuse, domestic abuse, elder abuse, and in other contexts. Being abused in childhood and sometimes adulthood can cause psychological conditions, including Dissociative Disorders and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Signs Constant injuries (burns, fractures, bruises) Making excuses for injuries... Read More →
Polyamory and Nonmonogamous Relationships
Polyamory refers to simultaneously engaging in multiple romantic relationships with consent of all involved parties. There is much stigma surrounding polyamory, but those who identify as polyamorous believe their relationships are healthy and honest. The term is fairly nebulous, referring to many different forms of relationships involving multiple partners, but the essential characteristic is a lack of sexual and romantic... Read More →
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a condition with various symptoms that revolve around anxiety that is caused by a traumatic event. It is natural to feel a spike in stress after the occurrence of trauma, but this should subside and a person is expected to return to their normal functioning. Post-traumatic stress disorder is diagnosed when a person experiences persisting anxiety... Read More →
Postpartum Depression
Post-partum depression is major depression that is caused by and immediately follows childbirth, a miscarriage, or a stillbirth. New mothers experience many strange feelings, but postpartum depression is severe enough to affect functioning. The condition may interfere with a mother’s ability to bond with her baby at a time when it is crucial to the child’s development, so it is... Read More →
Power is the control and influence that comes from being the dominant party in any situation. Those in power are typically thought to dominate a situation, but there are other ways to exercise power, both creative and destructive. The Positive Absolute power is said to corrupt absolutely. Those who are elected to power in the government are thought to have... Read More →
Pregnancy and Childbirth
Pregnancy and childbirth are significant experiences that can have the potential to bring great stress and great happiness. Worry about being a parent or medical concerns surrounding pregnancy can cause serious stress in a couple’s life. Relationships may suffer during this time when a woman must live not only for herself but also for her baby. Unplanned Pregnancy An unplanned... Read More →
Prejudice and Discrimination
Prejudice and discrimination are the reliance on preconceived notions when making judgments about others. All decisions a person makes are subject to their own biases, with some people being more obviously biased than others. Prejudice and discrimination may be based on race, ethnicity, religion, or any number of other predetermined characteristics. Examples A company does not hire an applicant because... Read More →
Premarital Counseling
Premarital counseling is a specifically focused type of therapy that helps couples navigate the major decisions and stressors that they face in the process of getting married or deciding to get married. When two people have been in a relationship and decide to consider marriage, they may find that their relationship dynamic changes. Premarital counseling will help the couple communicate... Read More →
Psychosis is an umbrella term used to describe a dysfunctional basis of reality. Symptoms of psychosis include hallucinations, manic highs and lows, and delusions of self. When these symptoms affect daily life, it could be time to seek help. Common Symptoms of Psychosis • social seclusion • disorganized speech • difficulty maintaining hygiene • frequent delusions • anxiety • irregular... Read More →
Relationships are a meaningful part of life, but can often be challenging. Each person comes from a unique background with a unique set of values and convictions. Ineffective communication, financial issues, and opposing expectations can lead to stress, contempt, and frequent arguing. Benefits of Couples Counseling • Develop open communication • Understand multiple perspectives • Cultivate empathy • Develop self-confidence... Read More →
Self-esteem is a personal evaluation of self-worth. It deals with emotions and beliefs and respect of self. Somebody can feel confident and valuable. But people struggle with low self-esteem, frequently dealing with self-doubt and negative emotions. Common Symptoms of Low Self-Esteem • depression • social anxiety • frequent embarrassment • feelings of inadequacy • fear of abandonment or rejection •... Read More →
Self-harm, such as cutting, burning, or otherwise causing bodily injury, as an emotional release poses a serious risk. Self-harming often accompanies suicidal thought. Ramifications of Self-Harming • relief of anxiety or anger is temporary at best • feelings of guilt or shame often follow • self-harm escalates, potentially into an addiction • hinders development of healthy emotional regulation Causes Childhood... Read More →
Sex Therapy
Encountering sexual problems is a common experience. The problem could manifest itself as lack of sexual desire, distressing sexual impulses, promiscuity, or healing from past sexual abuse. Sometimes, partners have opposing sexualities, leading to a lack of intimacy and feelings of loneliness. Sex therapy provides a safe space for clients to speak honestly and openly about sexual problems and obstacles.... Read More →
Sexual Abuse
Victims of sexual abuse experience painful psychiatric injuries. Negative self-esteem is common, as well as anxiety and depression. Sexual abuse often coincides with emotional abuse which can make it even more difficult to function. Survivors of abuse can have difficulties trusting or maintaining relationships. Benefits of Therapy for Sexual Abuse Survivors • Restores self-image • Builds interpersonal relationship skills, such... Read More →
Sexual Addiction
Sexual addiction, or sex addiction, is an excessive or compulsive behavior surrounding sexual activities without any regard to consequences of either the individual or the individual’s sexual partners. Common Symptoms of Sexual Addiction • compulsory masturbation • extramarital affairs • unsafe sex • prostitution • impulsive viewing of pornography • molestation Causes A sexual addiction could be the result of... Read More →
Sibling Rivalry
While siblings often share the complicated roles of both close friends and each other’s toughest critic, rivalry can also be part of the process of growing up – and a concern for almost all parents of two or more children. Sibling rivalry can start early, sometimes even before the second child is born. The rivalry develops as children compete for... Read More →
Sleep or Insomnia
While we often disregard insomnia as an infrequent, passing problem, many people struggle with it on a much more persistent basis. Insomnia is an unrelenting disorder that can make it difficult to fall asleep, stay asleep, and/or get restful sleep, despite having an opportunity for sufficient rest. Those who suffer from insomnia typically wake feeling as though they haven’t rested... Read More →
Substance Abuse
Substance abuse is the frequent misuse of alcohol or drugs. When use of substances has interfered with work or interpersonal relationships, and interest is waning in other activities, it could be symptomatic of substance abuse. Common Symptoms of Substance Abuse • using substance seems to be a top priority • increased tolerance to substance • inability to stop using •... Read More →
Suicidal Thoughts
Suicidal thoughts, which are known as suicidal ideation, are reoccurring thoughts about killing oneself. Sometimes these thoughts are arranged as a detailed plan, and other times they are just ideas that arise in one’s mind about how they might commit suicide. It is completely natural to have thoughts on killing oneself, and most people who do have suicidal thoughts never follow... Read More →
Thinking Disorders
Thinking disorders, or thought disorders, occur as a jumble of thoughts of difficulty of speech. Sometimes, those afflicted by thought disorders experience delusions, mania, and derailment in social situations. Common Symptoms of Thinking Disorders • incoherent speech • illogical thought patterns • tangential discussion • delusions • hallucinations • unfounded beliefs Treatment Treatment for thinking disorders includes medication and therapy.... Read More →
Traumatic experiences, such as loss, a car accident, war, or abuse, are difficult to recover from. Stress from the situation often can lead to anxiety, anger, guilt, and feelings of disconnection. After experiencing trauma, psychological and physical symptoms are likely to occur. Common Symptoms of Trauma • confusion • shock • fatigue • racing heartbeat • anxiety • depression •... Read More →
Traumatic Brain Injury
Traumatic brain injury (TBI), occurs when a blow to the head disrupts normal brain function. Injuries can vary from mild to severe, affecting personality, behaviors, and cognitive skills. Common Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injury • memory loss • sensory issues, such as blurred vision • erratic eating patterns • dizziness • uncoordinated fine motor skills • irregular sleeping patterns •... Read More →