Are you struggling with common or complex life stressors, or do you find yourself experiencing difficulty adjusting to past or current life changes? Are your emotions or behaviors causing stress or conflict? Do you believe in the importance of the health of your body and mind and living a balanced life? I hear you, I see you, I am eager to learn more about you, and I am here to help! I believe an inquisitive approach to life helps to focus on what you can control and find a balance in life through self-awareness, understanding, and patience.
I have training in dialectical behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy. I use these approaches to help teens and adults experiencing emotional, psychological, behavioral, career, and relationship issues. My gentle and introspective approach to therapy helps you gain an understanding of yourself and the connection of your thoughts and behavior.
My inquisitive approach to treatment helps you focus on what you can control and find a balance in your life through introspection, understanding, and patience. I have prior training in dialectical behavioral therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy and have used these approaches to help adolescents, teens, and adults experiencing emotional, psychological, behavioral, and addiction issues. My gentle and introspective approach to therapy helps you gain an understanding of yourself and the connection of your thoughts and behaviors. My experience in residential treatment facilities has helped me have a patient approach to treatment. I believe focusing on taking life one step at a time and being mindful of how thoughts impact behaviors are vital to understanding ourselves. The first step to wellness is an open mind!
Helping someone is like visiting their house. It is hard to know what is inside from one glance. Within this structure, the homeowner knows where everything is stored away. They know if you have to jiggle the handle to the toilet to get it to work or if you have to slam the basement door hard because the hinges are old. Every home has it’s quirks and is unique in their way. All houses have a “standard” structure; roof, rooms, floors, doors, windows, etc. The way the resident furnishes it is very different. In my experience with houses, I am confident enough to navigate my way around with time. I may or may not find what I am looking for as fast as someone living in the house, but I’ll get there. The same goes when working towards resolving a problem in therapy. A lot of problems “look” the same on the outside. When you open the door it is a different story. I’ll never come over unannounced, I only show up when invited.